An important part of your healthcare journey with Bunbury Day Hospital is transitioning from hospital to home. When patients first move from recovery to the discharge lounge, it is an indication they are doing well. Unless otherwise notified, you can resume normal eating and drinking at this time. Our hospital will contact your family around this time advising you will soon be ready for discharge.
To be ready for discharge patients:
- Will be alert and orientated
- Tolerate fluids
- Have a responsible adult to take them home
Your Support Person
If your procedure is performed under sedation or general anaesthetic you must arrange for a support person to arrive at the hospital, escort you home, and remain with you for the first 24 hours. If your procedure is performed under local anaesthetic, please arrange for a responsible adult to drive you home.
Leaving the Hospital
Our doctors and nursing staff are here to assist you, and are more than happy to answer any questions concerning your discharge or follow up care. At the time of discharge our hospital will provide you with:
- Your Doctor’s post-operative care instructions
- Medication scripts to have filled, if required
- Details of who to contact in an emergency
- The date and time for your follow-up appointment with your Doctor (if required)
When leaving the hospital please make sure you have all your personal effects, medications, and follow up instructions.

What to Expect in the Days Following your Procedure
Please take care in the days following your procedure and use the below information as a guide to assist with your recovery. Contact your Doctor without delay if you are experiencing discomfort or have concerns about your surgery. If your Doctor is unavailable, phone our hospital on (08) 9791 2244 for further assistance or visit your nearest emergency department if you require urgent medical attention.
It is normal to feel sleepy the first day after your procedure. You will be contacted by one of our clinical staff to check in with you on this day. Be sure to rest as much as possible and do not drive, sign legal documents, utilise public transport, consume alcohol, operate machinery or domestic appliances or make important decisions for at least 24 hours.
It is common to experience some form of pain following surgery, especially once the pain relief administered with your anaesthetic begins to wear off. Follow your Doctor’s instructions for pain relief at home and if the severity of pain increases contact your Doctor for further advice.
Regular Medications
You can resume taking most medications after your operation. Consult your Doctor on when to re-commence blood thinning medications including Aspirin and Warfarin if you take these.
Your Pharmacist should give you clear instructions about your ongoing medications when you have your scripts filled. Please be mindful of any medicines that can make you drowsy and be cautious with your day-to-day activities.
You may experience some anaesthetic, drug-related side effects following your procedure. These are typically short lasting and should resolve within the first few days.
- Nausea usually passes within 24 to 48 hours. Avoid solids, drink fluids and contact your Doctor if symptoms persist after two days.
- Pain at the injection site from irritation to the vein or minor bruising can linger for several days.
- Muscle aches can be prominent and managed with rest, restricted activity and pain relief as prescribed by your Doctor. Muscle aches should mostly resolve within 48 hours.
- Sore throat which usually disappears within 24 hours.
- Impaired ability to concentrate following the anaesthetic, which is usually temporary and of no consequence.
Advise your Doctor if you are travelling after your procedure as they will need to approve if this is safe, suitable and provide an appropriate timeline. Airlines may require a medical clearance letter from your Doctor if you are flying after your operation.
Questions About your Care?
If you have any queries or concerns please do not hesitate to contact our experienced team at Bunbury Day Hospital. Your care is our highest priority.