Doctor Enquiries
For hospital enquiries, please contact
Brendon Ball
Operations Director, WA
0448 309 498
Specialists seeking accreditation to operate at Bunbury Day Hospital
can complete the online Credentialing application below:
Hospital By-Laws
Bunbury Day Hospital adheres to by-laws that ensure its medical staff can deliver the highest quality care to all patients.
The by-laws document:
- the Terms of Reference for the Bunbury Day Hospital Medical Advisory Committee (MAC)
- the process of accrediting practitioners at Bunbury Day Hospital and defining their scope of practice
- the obligations of accredited practitioners in relation to the safety and quality of care patients receive, including patient privacy, open disclosure, infection control and reporting, and medical research
- the expected conduct of accredited practitioners at Bunbury Day Hospital
- the clinical governance framework in place to evaluate, monitor and improve the quality and safety of healthcare services provided
A copy of our by-laws is available below.